My little monster
My little monster

Just For You (1975) (Embedded 1987 Version In 1987) (Embedded 1989 Version In 1989) (With A Spider And The Grasshopper) ISBN 2-4 (first hardcover printing has 5 more pages of story and artwork than all subsequent printings, including "I wanted to build a beautiful house just for you, but I hurt myself").There's A Nightmare In My Closet! (1968) (2nd Anniversary In 1970) (21st Anniversary In 1989, Since The Mid-1990s) (Embedded 1997 Version In 1997).Individual books may also be available in special editions

#My little monster series

Published in the Golden Books "Look-Look Books" series

my little monster

The following books feature Little Critter. This book is sometimes mis-titled Just for Yu because of the childlike mistake on the front cover (see picture). Little Critter first appeared in the 1975 book Just for You. Although it's not specified what species the Little Critter is, he resembles a small and furry rodent-like creature such as a porcupine, hamster, hedgehog, capybara, or guinea pig. Little Critter is an anthropomorphic character created by Mercer Mayer.

  • 13 Mercer Mayer recordings (audio books and other).
  • my little monster

  • 11.5 Illustrations for Barbara Wersba's books.
  • 11.3 Illustrations for Jay Williams' books.
  • my little monster

    11.2 Illustrations for Jan Wahl's books.11.1 Illustrations for George Mendoza's books.11 Illustrations for other authors' books.8 Fairy tale and classic story re-telling.1.15 Mercer Mayer's LC + the Critter Kids.1.7 Little Critter Storybooks featuring the "Critter Kids".

    My little monster